From Bratislava - the Slovakian capital in the triangle Austria-Hungary-Czech Republik - on the blue Danube the tour takes you through Slovakia and Hungary through Romania.
The first destination Cluj Napoca in Siebenbürgen is also called Little-Budapest since it is equally charming. Highlights are the Moldova Monasteries at the foothills of the Carpathian Mountains in the north-west of Romania.
The town of Mamaia at the Black Sea coast will delight you with long white beaches. Culture is waiting for you in the capital Bucharest and in Sibiu (Hermannstadt), which was European Culture Capital in 2007.
You will also experience what we call "Land und Leute", some rural countryside where you can meet the locals. There are always stops breaking up the day and some local folklore. There is also time to let your impressions settle and experience the famous Romanian hospitality.