The Office Team

We are taking care of your travel needs.

Sabine Machado-Rettau - Managing Director

- worked for Perestroika Tours from 2000, managing director since 2007

- experienced countries and travelled extensively during 15 years of working in hotel/event-management

- takes care of new tours, individual tours, accounting and the various websites   

S. Rettau - Deputy Managing Director

- joined the company in 1994 and worked mostly as second in command 

- takes care of the new catalogue, marketing matters and the tour documentation


Christina Kähne - Adminstrative Clerk

- works for us since 2001, takes care of all administrative matters

- takes care of your booking papers and ferry services 


Angela Tanner - Adminstrative Clerk

- part of the team since 2022, she primarily assists Ms. Kähne

- responsible for collecting the tour documents and managing the equipment

- oversees the updating of various databases


A team of tour leaders and touring partners is supporting us: